Hi world, been a long time! I'm still SharePointing, been having fun with client side rendering and JSOM. Post on that coming soon, promise!
In the meantime, here's a quick one. Admit it, you still use Designer. It's still a handy tool especially for workflows. I had put together a workflow for one of my customers, it's been working just fine. Occasionally, though, when I went to edit it, I would get an error generating local caches. There's some recommendations on how to clear out the local cache & try again, but that didn't seem to help me. I tried on multiple PCs and VMs and finally got one working, then three months later promptly forgot which combo actually worked...so time for that root cause.
What did help? Run as Administrator. Yep, the issue wasn't in pulling down the content for the caches, but getting that content into the local file system. I'm logged on with a local admin account on my dev VM, but even so that didn't help. So, with your nifty Designer program icon, hit Ctrl + Shift then click, accept the prompt to run as Admin, and edit those workflows away.
See you soon! The big teaser is, re-running a workflow when an item is edited on O365. It can be done.