Friday, October 03, 2014

Visio Services - The server failed to process the request

Another day, another interesting SharePoint error!  I finally got around to building out a Visio dashboard for my model office environment.  We've got a lot of servers out there and it's about time to get a handle on overall health and performance. 

The dashboard worked great until I let the team try it out - two folks reported back that the page was showing an error, "the server failed to process the request".  ULS showed a related error, at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.Utility.SetThreadCulture - not totally obvious!

Searching out there turned up a blog post by Robert Seso of a similar problem on SharePoint 2010 - different ULS log entries, though.  I tried out the fix he suggested to solve his issue - grant a permission to the service account a used by Visio Services - not the SCOM service account or data reader account, but the service account configured for Visio Services in SP2013.  Here's the PowerShell to run:

$webapp = get-spwebapplication("")

Go back to your page, refresh, and so far so good.

More clarification!  So far not so good.  I think the real issue here was on how I had set up the data source.  Initially, I had created a site collection, pointed the ODC file at that URL, then all was good.  I then decided to make things nicer and go with a host named site collection, which in & of itself was not the problem, the problem was, I used the original ODC file without updating it for the new HNSC.  I recreated the ODC file in the HNSC and recreated the Visio drawing to use this ODC file & it's been running fine since.

Thursday, October 02, 2014

SharePoint 5586 flood fixed

Hi SharePointers,

Another SharePoint first today.  I had set up a dev server for a colleague, went back in to take a look because she said she was having performance problems.  I fixed the root certificate issue, which certainly helped, but also there were a lot of 5586 messages left.  From the ULS logs:

Unknown SQL Exception 53 occurred. Additional error information from SQL Server is included below.  A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

I checked the SQL Server aliases (this server uses a named instance, after all!), checked the registry keys used for the aliases & the SharePoint Config db, and checked the SQL Server's network configuration, but nowhere was it using Named Pipes.

Turns out: wrong alias.  I generally use SPDB as my alias name, but if I went down one more line in the ULS logs:

ConnectionString: 'Data Source=ServerName_SPDB;Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=True'....

So somehow, the servername value I was using was in front of the alias - sounds like a bug in my AutoSPConfig XML file!  The rest of SharePoint is working fine, so there must be a service somewhere that's using this alias.  I'll dig for that next, but workaround for now, I set up a second alias for this value & no more log flood.

Hope this helps someone!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Method 'Upgrade' in type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.WorkflowServiceApplicationProxy' message

The good admin you are, you just finished deploying the Windows patches for September on your non-SP1'd SharePoint 2013 farm server...rebooted...Central Admin comes up up PowerShell and kaboom!

  Method 'Upgrade' in type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.WorkflowServiceApplicationProxy' from assembly 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Wor Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c' does not have an implementation.

There's an update that assumes you already have SP1 deployed - if you go back to Central Admin you'll note the UI changes for O365 & Yammer are now showing up. The fix is to deploy one more hotfix to your server - you can download it from here:

No reboot required - install the update, open up that PS window & you're blissfully error free.

Happy SharePointing!

SharePoint 2013 Site Codes and Descriptions

Below is a list of the out of the box site codes available for SharePoint 2013.  This is for the 1033 (US English) locale:

Site CodeDescription
GLOBAL#0Global template
STS#0Team Site
STS#1Blank Site
STS#2Document Workspace
MPS#0Basic Meeting Workspace
MPS#1Blank Meeting Workspace
MPS#2Decision Meeting Workspace
MPS#3Social Meeting Workspace
MPS#4Multipage Meeting Workspace
CENTRALADMIN#0Central Admin Site
WIKI#0Wiki Site
SGS#0Group Work Site
TENANTADMIN#0Tenant Admin Site
APP#0App Template
APPCATALOG#0App Catalog Site
ACCSRV#0Access Services Site
ACCSVC#0Access Services Site Internal
ACCSVC#1Access Services Site
BDR#0Document Center
DEV#0Developer Site
EDISC#0eDiscovery Center
EDISC#1eDiscovery Case
OFFILE#0(obsolete) Records Center
OFFILE#1Records Center
OSRV#0Shared Services Administration Site
BICenterSite#0Business Intelligence Center
SPS#0SharePoint Portal Server Site
SPSPERS#0SharePoint Portal Server Personal Space
SPSPERS#2Storage And Social SharePoint Portal...
SPSPERS#3Storage Only SharePoint Portal Serve...
SPSPERS#4Social Only SharePoint Portal Server...
SPSPERS#5Empty SharePoint Portal Server Perso...
SPSMSITE#0Personalization Site
SPSTOC#0Contents area Template
SPSTOPIC#0Topic area template
SPSNEWS#0News Site
CMSPUBLISHING#0Publishing Site
BLANKINTERNET#0Publishing Site
BLANKINTERNET#1Press Releases Site
BLANKINTERNET#2Publishing Site with Workflow
SPSSITES#0Site Directory
SPSCOMMU#0Community area template
SPSPORTAL#0Collaboration Portal
SRCHCEN#0Enterprise Search Center
ENTERWIKI#0Enterprise Wiki
COMMUNITY#0Community Site
SRCHCENTERLITE#0Basic Search Center
SRCHCENTERLITE#1Basic Search Center
visprus#0Visio Process Repository
ECMWebTemplate#0Enterprise Content Site

Friday, September 12, 2014

Default gateway blank or

Ever had your server's default gateway stuck showing either, or blank entirely?  Totally ignoring the value you're assigning?  Happened to me when I was bouncing between client Hyper-V on Windows 8.1 and VirtualBox.  The culprit?  All of those prior network connections.  Once you get rid of them, network properties works like a charm.

The catch?  The devices and old connections are hidden.  To show them, open up an administrator command prompt, and enter the command:

set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1

then enter the command

start devmgmt.msc

to start up Device Manager (or launch it from Control Panel).  Then, in the View menu, choose Show Hidden Devices, expand out your Network Adapters and be amazed:

See all of those hidden devices?  The active one, Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter #19 is shown with the bold icon, but the others, including the Intel (R) PRO/1000 adapters are somewhat blurred - those are the ones to delete.

Do that, reboot for good measure, set that default gateway and be productive!

Update: I decided to poke around some of the other devices & there were more to remove, when making the VirtualBox to Hyper-V switch.  Expand out some of the other nodes to clear out the old VirtualBox devices.  Having these around wasn't causing problems, but the less clutter the better.


Also, be sure you remove either the Hyper-V Integration Services or the VirtualBox Additions from Windows Control Panel Add/Remove Programs, as appropriate.  And if you're switching back to VirtualBox, odds are the Additions are out of date, so go ahead & refresh.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

SharePoint Designer 2013 + SharePoint 2013 Workflow - where's the workflow??

Hi SharePointers,

We had an interesting one today.  One of my developers was having a problem creating a new SharePoint 2013 workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013.  We were able to create the workflow, but when SharePoint went to fetch the workflow actions from the server, nothing else happened - the workflow was not created.  SP2010 workflows worked fine.

The solution: For some reason, a DLL was missing from the 15 hive on the server - in this path:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\WorkflowActivities

there should be a DLL:


For whatever reason, that DLL was not in the folder. It was in the GAC, oddly enough.  Once we copied the DLL from another server into the above folder, IISResetted, cleared the Designer cache, the workflow was able to be created.

Other things we tried that didn't help:
1) Re-registerWorkflow Manager
2) Removed Workflow Manager from the SharePoint server, then installed it on a separate smaller footprint server. 
3) Re-registered Workflow Manager with non-SSL
4) Used Fiddler to see what was going on

The clue was in one message in the ULS logs - several OOTB features were missing:

                Feature definition with id 00bfea71-c796-4402-9f2f-0eb9a6e71b18 not found.  [WebPageLibrary]
                Feature definition with id 065c78be-5231-477e-a972-14177cc5b3c7 not found.  [BizAppsListTemplates]
                Feature definition with id 00bfea71-5932-4f9c-ad71-1557e5751100 not found.  [IssuesList]
                Feature definition with id 7201d6a4-a5d3-49a1-8c19-19c4bac6e668 not found.  [MetaDataNav]
                Feature definition with id 0806d127-06e6-447a-980e-2e90b03101b8 not found.  [PremiumWeb]
                Feature definition with id 00bfea71-4ea5-48d4-a4ad-305cf7030140 not found.  [WorkflowHistoryList]

Anyway, once that DLL was copied over - didn't have to GAC it or anything - all was well once again.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

SharePoint 2013 and SQL Server HA options

I put together the following table to summarize the HA options available for SQL Server 2012 and SharePoint 2013. In short - use sync AlwaysOn where possible!

The difference between sync & async has to do with performance over data integrity.  Sync will wait on confirmations from each end point that the transactions were successful.  Async does not wait.  Async will give better performance, but it's possible to have data loss. 

I'm building this out in a lab environment based on VirtualBox.  My attempt #1 was to get FreeNAS working with Server 2012 to set up the shared disk required by Windows Clustering.  I was able to get the iSCSIInitator in Server 2012 to recognize the NAS drives, but couldn't convince Windows Clustering to use it. So next up will be to see if I can get the same working with Server 2012's iSCSI built in support.

I see this as one benefit of Hyper-V over VirtualBox - Hyper-V has a virtual fiber channel feature built in.  In theory, this would let me set up a virtual SAN environment.  I've been trying the same with VirtualBox (yes, I know...but I did try switching over to Hyper-V on my Windows 8 laptop, but at the time networking wasn't working.  I should give it another try, I know...).

Anway, the table below is a summary of a TechNet article listing each of the SharePoint databases. I found the table format a bit easier to use.

Database Purpose Sync Mirroring Sync AlwaysOn Asyc Mirror/Log Shipping Async AlwaysOn
SharePoint_Config Configuration database Y Y N N
SharePoint_Admin_Content CA content db Y Y N N
WSS_Content Content database Y Y Y Y
AppManagement Service database Y Y Y Y
Search_Service_Application_DB Stores Search app configuration Y Y N N
Search_Service_Application_AnalyticsReportingStoreDB Stores usage analysis data for reports Y Y Y N
Search_Service_Application_CrawlStoreDB Stores the state of the crawled content & crawl history Y Y N N
Search_Service_Application_LinkStoreDB Stores extracts of the content processing component sna click through info Y Y N N
Secure_Store_Service_DB Stores Secure Store credentials Y Y Y Y
SharePoint_Logging Stores health monitoring & usage data Y* Y* Y* N * not recommended
SettingsServiceDB Stores features and settings for hosted customers Y Y Y Y
Usage Profile Service App Stores & manages users and associated info Y Y Y Y
Usage Profile Service App Sync DB Used during a user profile sync Y Y N N
Usage Profile Service Social DB Stores social tags and notes Y Y Y Y
WordAutomationServices Stores info about pending & completed doc conversions Y Y Y Y
Managed Metadata Service App Stores managed metadata  Y Y Y Y
Translation Services DB Stores info about pending & completed doc translations Y Y Y Y
Business Data Connectivity Service DB Stores external content types Y Y Y Y
ProjectWebApp Project Web App database Y Y Y Y
PowerPivotServiceDB Stores data refresh scheduled & usage data No Guidance No Guidance No Guidance No Guidance
PerformancePoint Service DB Stores temp objects & saved comments Y Y Y Y
State Service db Stores temp state info from InfoPath, Exchange, chart web part, Visio services Y Y N N

Source: Supported HA Options for SharePoint 2013

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


And, see you at the SharePoint Conference in Vegas!  I'll be at the HP Booth Sunday night, and also speaking at the Partner Theatre Sunday night, then at the booth periodically throughout the event.  If you're there stop by to say hello, or schedule a meeting with my on the MySPC site.

See you in Grand Rapids!

Accepted to speak at the DevDay conference in Grand Rapids, March 22!

Hope to see you there.  There's a good line up of speakers and topics, I'll be attending some of the mobile development talks.

Office Web Apps 2013 - Unhealthy

Ran into this issue on my lab servers.  I installed Office Web Apps 2013, configured it, all good!  But then Windows Update showed a patch from 1/2/14 for OWA, I applied that, and afterwards, Get-OfficeWebAppsMachine showed that my server was Unhealthy.

I did some Binging and found that indeed yes, there is a process to follow for patching an OWA server - first, remove the OWA server from the farm with Remove-OfficeWebAppsMachine, then apply the update, then use the New-OfficeWebAppsFarm again to rebuild the farm. 

Following a comment in a host here:

I enabled HTTP Activation for the WCF Services for the .Net Framework 4.5 on the OWA server.  Since I'm running Server 2012, I needed to use the Features option on Server Configuration to get this working:

Did a reboot for good measure, now Get-OfficeWebAppsMachine shows Healthy!